Supporting culture change: Stories and training
Implementing the Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care means creating a culture where What Matters to You’ is at the heart of every conversation. This enables an equally balanced relationship between health and care staff and the people they work with, which empowers people to have greater control over their own care and wellbeing.
Telling people’s stories aims to show what is possible when people work in different ways, and to inspire others to do the same. We call this our ‘social movement for change’, and use social media to get the word out.
Here’s some examples of the impact of Personalised Care
Supporting Mental Health at the Cavern
Head outdoors with Pebble Lodge
Enabling people to work in a different way is also important. The Personalised Care Institute signposts to a wide range of accredited training, much of which is freely available online.
Contact us if you would like to discuss specific training needs for Personalised Care approaches.
Video: Better Conversations in Gloucestershire
To learn more about the work of the South West Integrated Personalised Care team, please request to join our FutureNHS Collaborative Platform and follow us on Twitter here @SouthWestIPC
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