Leading the spread and adoption of innovation and improvement: a practical guide

Here you will find guidance to support the spread and adoption of innovations to improve health and care outcomes and patient and staff experience.

These webpages are applicable for all levels; local, regional and national, and settings where the spread and adoption of complex change is needed. They sit alongside and support existing activities e.g. programmes, such as the NHS Innovation Accelerator, organisations, e.g. AHSNs, and models, such as the NHS Change model.

About spread and adoption - a new mindset

Spread and adoption mindset needs to reflect the complexity and system nature of spread and adoption, the increasing need to work across boundaries and to focus on the people involved.

Seven interconnected principles

Seven interconnected principles which enable the spread and adoption of innovation and improvement, representing the new mindset and informed by practice and publications.

Systems convening

Systems convening is an enabling leadership activity which matches the complexity of the spread and adoption approach with the complexity of the situation. Use to apply the seven principles to your spread and adoption work.

Further resources

The evidence base underpinning the mindset, principles and model of systems convening.