NHS 111 Statistics – October 2014
The latest data for October 2014 comprises all 45 NHS 111 sites. Population estimates have been improved and now use consistent Office for National Statistics sources rather than a mix of data from 111 providers.
Of calls answered by NHS 111 in October, 94.7% were answered within 60 seconds, less than in September (96.1%) and slightly less than the average for the first nine months of 2014 (94.9%).
In October 2014, 1.0% of calls were abandoned after waiting longer than 30 seconds without being answered, more than in September 2014 (0.8%) but the same as the average for the first nine months of 2014.
There were 1,014,895 calls offered to the NHS 111 service in October 2014, equivalent to 33 thousand per day or 12 million per year. This was more than the 905,555 calls in September 2014, which was 30 thousand per day; but less than the peak of 36 thousand a day in April 2014.
Of calls offered to NHS 111, 968,775 (95%) calls were from people directly dialling 111 in October 2014, similar to September 2014 (96%).
The mean average episode length of a call was 14 minutes 13 seconds in October 2014, longer than 13 minutes 27 seconds in August and September 2014.
Of calls answered, 85% received triage in October 2014, the same as each of the previous eleven months. Calls not triaged include when callers are referred on to another service, or given health information and do not need to be triaged, or when callers abandon the call before triage could start.
The 85% of calls receiving triage in October 2014 comprised 10% where ambulances were dispatched, recommendations to A&E (7%), primary care (53%), or another service (3%), and 14% where no other service was recommended. For September 2014, these figures were 52% primary care, and otherwise the same.
Of all calls answered, 9% were offered a call back in October 2014, similar to8% in September 2014. Of those offered a call back, 52% were called back within 10 minutes, similar to 53% in September 2014.
On average, 29% of call time was handled by clinical staff in October 2014 in the 19 sites which provided this information, similar to 28% in September 2014.
This publication includes new six-monthly data from NHS 111 providers’ service satisfaction questionnaires. Of 11,048 people responding to the relevant question between April and September 2014, 71% were very satisfied, 19% were fairly satisfied, 4% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, and 6% were dissatisfied.
Statistical Note
Download NHS 111 Statistical Note for October 2014 (DOCX, 787KB)
Excel Data
Download MDS October 2014 National (XLS, 626KB)
Download MDS October 2014 North (XLS, 693KB)
Download MDS October 2014 South (XLS, 1054KB)
Download MDS October 2014 London (XLS, 938KB)
Download MDS October 2014 Midlands & East of England (XLS, 1360KB)
CSV Data
Download MDS Monthly Extraction October 2014 (CSV, 12KB)
Download MDS Full Extraction till October 2014 (CSV, 237KB)
Publication Timetables
Download 2013-14 NHS 111 MDS Publication Timetable (DOCX, 16KB)
Download 2014-15 NHS 111 MDS Publication Timetable (DOCX, 16KB)
Download NHS 111 MDS Guidance V0.9 (DOC, 940KB)
Pre-release Access List
This document lists people who have access to the statistics in the 24 hours before publication:
Download NHS 111 Pre-Release Access List 5th December 2014 (DOCX, 31KB)
Contact Us
You can obtain further details by contacting the relevant statistical team at the following address:
Ian Kay
NHS England
5E24 Quarry House
Quarry Hill
Email: i.kay@nhs.net