
Overall Patient Experience Scores: 2015 Community Mental Health Survey update

Please note that following the identification of a number of sampling errors, the 2015 Overall Patient Experience Scores for Community Mental Health were revised as part of the 2016 publication, which can be accessed here:

The original documents (as published on 21 October 2015) can be accessed via the links below.

Today NHS England published the latest statistical information on patients’ experience of mental health services in the NHS. This is an update to include results from the 2015 Community Mental Health Survey.

Further supporting information, including an accompanying methodology statement, is available for this series by going to:

The 2015 survey included 55 NHS trusts in England, including combined mental health and social care trusts, Foundation Trusts and community healthcare social enterprises that provide mental health services.

Eligible patients were aged 18 years or over, who had received specialist care or treatment for a mental health condition in September, October or November 2014.

Responses were received from nearly 13,300 patients, with a national response rate of 29%.

NHS England has also published a Diagnostic Tool, designed to help NHS managers and the general public understand what feeds in to the overall scores and how scores vary across individual NHS organisations.

You can access the tool by going to: