
NHS England publishes statistics on a range of health and care subjects. Theses statistics are used to inform debate, decision making and research both within government and by the wider community.

Recent publications are announced below. For a list of the areas that these statistics cover please see Statistical Work Areas.

Health and care statistics are also published by the Department of Health and NHS Digital.

Commissioner-based Cancer Waiting Times for Q2 2012/13

The latest quarterly statistics on NHS cancer waiting times produced by the Department of Health were released on 30 November 2012 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Cancer Waiting Times commentary Q2 2012-13 commissioner based CWT Pre release access list CWT Press release 2012-13 Q2 Commissioner-based Q2 2012-13 Cancer Waiting Times […]

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Cancer Waiting Times, July to September 2012 – Provider Based

The latest quarterly national statistics on NHS cancer waiting times produced by the Department of Health were released on 30 November 2012 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. In 2010, the United Kingdom Statistics Authority assessed and designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service […]

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NHS Friends and Family Test Information

Background On 25 May 2012, the Prime Minister announced the introduction of the Friends and Family Test to improve patient experience of care and identify the best performing hospitals in England. The Department of Health issued detailed implementation guidance to all providers and commissioners on 4 October 2012 and also, in a joint letter […]

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NHS 111 Statistics, September 2012

NHS 111 Minimum Data Set – September Release Call statistics to the NHS 111 service up to and including September 2012 from the ten sites providing this service and able to provide data at this time. The sites are: County Durham and Darlington, Lincolnshire, Luton, Nottingham City, Isle of Wight, Derbyshire, the North West, Croydon, […]

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NHS 111 Statistics, August 2012

NHS 111 Minimum Data Set – August Release Call statistics to the NHS 111 service up to and including August 2012 from the ten sites providing this service and able to provide data at this time. The sites are: County Durham and Darlington, Lincolnshire, Luton, Nottingham City, Isle of Wight, Derbyshire, the North West, Croydon, […]

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NHS 111 Statistics, July 2012

NHS 111 Minimum Data Set – July Release Call statistics to the NHS 111 service up to and including July 2012 from the ten sites providing this service and able to provide data at this time. The sites are: County Durham and Darlington, Lincolnshire, Luton, Nottingham City, Isle of Wight, Derbyshire, the North West, Croydon, […]

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Cancer Waiting Times, April to June 2012 – Provider Based

The latest quarterly national statistics on NHS cancer waiting times produced by the Department of Health were released on 31 August 2012 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. In 2010, the United Kingdom Statistics Authority assessed and designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service […]

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Commissioner-based Cancer Waiting Times for Q1 2012/13

The latest quarterly statistics on NHS cancer waiting times produced by the Department of Health were released on 31 August 2012 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Pre-release access list 2012-13 Q1 CWT Press Release Q1 2012-13 Commissioner-based Cancer Waiting Times commentary Q1 2012-13 Commissioner-based Q1 2012-13 Cancer Waiting Times Workbook […]

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