Critical Care Bed Capacity and Urgent Operations Cancelled
Due to the coronavirus illness (COVID-19) and the need to release capacity across the NHS to support the response, we are pausing the collection and publication of these and some of our official statistics. This will apply to the releases listed here.
The monthly situation report collects data on:
- The number of urgent operations cancelled, including those cancelled for the 2nd or more time throughout the month.
- Critical care capacity, including adult, paediatric and neonatal available and occupied critical care beds, as a snapshot at midnight on the last Thursday of the month.
Data for this collection is available back to August 2010.
As per the note above, this publication has been suspended since March 2020. However, critical care beds information from the Urgent and Emergency Care Situation Reports is now available at the link below. Note this excludes specialist trusts without A&E departments for periods before December 2020.
Latest Data
Monthly Sitreps 2019-20
Monthly Sitreps 2018-19
Monthly Sitreps 2017-18
Monthly Sitreps 2016-17
Monthly Sitreps 2015-16
Monthly Sitreps 2014-15
Monthly Sitreps 2013-14
Monthly Sitreps 2012-13
Monthly Sitreps 2011-12
Monthly Sitreps 2010-11
Pre-Release Access List
Pre-release access list Critical Care Capacity (PDF, 105KB)
Monthly SitReps Definitions v1.09 – Critical Care Capacity (PDF, 173KB)
Contact Us
For further information about the published statistics, please contact us at:
Operational Information for Commissioning (National)
NHS England
Room 5E15
Quarry House
Leeds LS2 7UE
Great Britain