Resources, guidance and networks

Guidance, resources and opportunities to learn from others delivering virtual wards, will support integrated care systems (ICSs) and service providers to establish or expand virtual wards in their areas.

Guidance and supporting information

Guidance for integrated care systems (ICSs):

Supporting guidance on implementing virtual wards:

Other guidance:

Networks and communities of practice


There is growing evidence that shows virtual wards are a safe and efficient alternative to being in hospital, for patients living with a range of conditions, such as frailty.

Helpful resources include:

Resources for families and carers

  • Carers UK’s carers checklist and advocacy guide are designed to help carers to better understand what to expect and how to prepare for supporting the person they care for on a virtual ward.
  • exploring the work of older people and their informal caregivers in managing an acute health event in a Hospital at Home setting.

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