Getting it right
A Learning Disability and Autism Network Manager previews a session at the Health and Innovation Expo 2019 later this week which examines how the whole NHS can make a difference for people with a learning disability or autism, not just the specialist parts:
‘Get it Right for people with a learning disability and autistic people’ offers Expo delegates the opportunity to learn about our work that is a priority in the 10 year plan.
Our session is run by our learning disability advisers and network managers Carl Shaw, Katie Matthews and Aaron Senior along with a powerful performance by Mixit, a drama group for people with a lived experience. We are the true experts and we are at the centre of all the work that we do.
Some of the ways you can make a difference is by getting to know about our workstreams. We invite you to think about the role you can play and how you can apply them in your jobs. These include:
- STOMP and STOMP-STAMP, is about stopping people with a learning disability, autism or both from taking too much or the wrong medication. STOMP is for adults and STOMP-STAMP is for children and young people.
- Ask Listen Do, is about empowering people with a learning disability, autism or both and their families to leave feedback, raise concerns and make complaints in a constructive way with better outcomes.
- Annual Health Checks and the Learning Disability register, – these checks are carried out yearly for people with a learning disability to monitor their health to ensure that they stay as well as they can be. The learning disability register is a list for GP’s to find out who is entitled to a health check in their local area. It is in the NHS 10-year plan for autistic people to also be entitled to an annual health check.
- LeDeR, is about learning from deaths of people with a Learning Disability and stopping people from dying prematurely.
- Hospital Passports, are a record for people with a learning disability, autism or both which includes important information about their health needs, how they communicate and any reasonable adjustments they need to support them to get their health needs met.
- Digital Flagging, is for when people with a learning disability, autism or both visit their GP or hospital having their reasonable adjustments pop up on their electronic records.
Come and find out about our latest work and how you can apply it, how you can be person centred and make reasonable adjustments. You can improve and save lives.
- ‘Get it Right for people with a learning disability and autistic people’ is taking place at Expo on day one of Expo (4 September), from 4.15pm–5.15pm in theatre 1.
- The 2019 Health and Care Innovation Expo is being staged at Manchester Central on 4 and 5 September and you can register now.
- Get updates on Twitter @ExpoNHS and join the conversation around Expo 2019 by using the hashtag #Expo19NHS
- View the agenda for Expo 2019.