
Have your say on NHS Innovation

NHS England’s social media manager invites you to share your opinions in a tweet discussion about Innovation within the NHS:

As many of us know, innovation is critical to the future.  Some say that it is the future.

NHS England is very much aware of this and have far reaching vision to achieve the ambitions set out in the Mandate to transform the future of NHS healthcare.

The mandate is to ‘ramp up’ the pace and scale of change, and deliver better outcomes for patients across all five domains of the NHS Outcomes Framework. In regards to this topic, it would be great if you can join in and share your opinions on the tweet chat questions that we have set up at the end of this blog.

Have a look – no tweet chat is ‘set in stone’ and if you have a burning desire to discuss other digital matters, do join in. This is a particularly important topic as the NHS remains a major investor and wealth creator in the UK, and in science, technology and engineering in particular. Your thoughts are important on this topic.

For the NHS, this is a leading objective to ensure that the new commissioning system promotes and supports participation from within. This is done through research, translating scientific developments into benefits for patients, and contributing to economic growth by exporting innovation and expertise internationally. These topics, among others, will be areas that we can consider in next week’s tweet chat.

At this year’s forthcoming Expo event on 5 and 6 September in Manchester we will once again showcase the best new digital innovations in health and care and demonstrate how they help patients and the public to live healthier lives and support the work of frontline staff.

We will also illustrate the value of digital innovation in sustaining the NHS for the next 70 years. The topics in the chat will all be relevant for the Expo event, where the topics will be explored in much, much more depth. Join in with our tweet chat next week and get a taster of what we will explore.

At Expo 2018 there will also be events celebrating patient-centred use of technology and information to improve health and care, and support for visitors to adopt. Expo will also show how to implement the innovations delegates have seen at the show in their own organisations.

For example, the Digital Zone will demonstrate the progress that has been made over the last 12 months to implement digital transformation programmes throughout England. Digital transformation will be a very important area of focus for both next week’s Twitter chat and the future of the NHS.

If you can share your pre-Expo thoughts, you could help shape the future agenda. Find out more below and learn about the topics that we will explore.

We have four areas of focus and two discussion points or questions for each area as follows:

Learning from experience of innovating in the NHS:

  • Delivering innovation in the real world in AHSNs
  • National innovation programmes

The 100 year life: improving health and care through design, housing and planning:

  • Consider how the NHS, local authorities and care providers can work with citizens.
  • The design, housing and planning sectors to develop age-friendly places

Artificial Intelligence in health and care: Mitigating the risks and capitalising on the opportunities (The Department of Health and Social Care):

  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in health and care
  • How you would help shape its thinking on this matter of increasing importance.

SME-driven Innovation in the NHS – constructive or confounding?

  • How can the NHS cooperate with small to medium enterprises (SMEs), and optimise the benefits of their innovations?
  • How do SMEs navigate the complex NHS, and deliver broad-based innovation?

Join in the discussion and share your opinions in our tweet chat at 7pm Wednesday 8 August.

Scott Kemp

Scott graduated with honours in Philosophy and then gained post-graduate qualifications in Fashion Marketing.

He has worked as the Social Media Manager for three years and prior to this, worked at the NHS Leadership Academy within their digital team. Whilst the last three years have been in healthcare, the majority of his professional life has been within commerce.

His background strengths are within healthcare, fashion and apparel industry and the motor vehicle industry, where he has several years of experience, particularly within the latter two industries. Both his industry background and experiences are far and wide, ranging from traditional offline marketing (events/print), project management through to website management and of course, social media management.

Scott can be found on Twitter via @scottaustinkemp


  1. Kassander says:

    When is a transcript of this discussion session going to be made available to we, the Public & Patients, who have funded this exercise?
    Or will it take an FoI request to place it in the public domain?

    • Scott says:

      Hello Kassander.

      The discussion took place in the public domain, where it is still available. You can see all of the conversations by using #Expoinnovation.

      I hope this helps.


  2. Scott Kemp says:

    Hi Leah.

    Thank you for your contact.

    If you follow #Expoinnovation you will find the conversation.

    With gratitude,

  3. Leah Lockhart says:

    This looks great and I’d like to join in. What is the hashtag I should follow and use to take part in the twitter chat?

  4. Dr Sherwin Saroop says:

    I have developed a Health Information System (HIS)for Tertiary Centres to significantly decrease Length of Stay(LOS)for inpatients and hence increase bed numbers , which could be used in every NHS Trust.
    This will decrease the cost of managing a patient greatly and hence save the NHS alot of money.
    The HIS also has built into it an arm that will decrease Morbidity and Mortality.

    The HIS, most importantly , audits every factor that contributes to patients care in a real time basis.

    What avenues are there for me to present this to the NHS for possible discussion.

    NB The set up cost extremely small per Trust.