Our services
These pages present information about how we process personal data for commissioning purposes, and for our other functions in connection with the provision of NHS services:
- Cancer Programme Pilots Evaluation (England): transparency notice
- Providing online consultation services
- Patients registered with GP practices
- Primary care commissioning
- Specialised commissioning
- Armed forces and families health care
- Health and justice
- Public health
- Secondary care dental
- Continuing Health Care – independent review panels
- Individual requests for funding
- Payment for living kidney donation
- Data services for commissioners
- Primary Care Support England
- Legacy records
- Evaluation of the Targeted Lung Health Check programme
- Evaluation of the Rapid Diagnostic Centres
- NHS Wayfinder services
- Those taking part in the Community Pharmacy Consultation Service for people attending Emergency and Urgent Care with a minor illness
- Maternity and Neonatal Independent Senior Advocacy (MNISA) – privacy notice
- Health needs assessment for patients with Thalessimia