GP online services

About GP online services
What is GP online services and how will it improve access to care, increase efficiency and reduce administration?
GP practices
Get more information on what GP practices need to do in order to implement GP online services.
Find out more about how GP online services work and how they can benefit you.
How to promote GP online services to patients
Watch this short video and hear from practice managers and GPs at the Lighthouse Practice in Eastbourne on how they have promoted Patient Online to their patients.
The video shows the progress they have made so far as well as the benefits that patients are getting from online services.
News and blogs
NHS App messaging saved NHS more than £1 million in last year
Messages sent to millions of patients via the NHS App have saved the NHS £1.1 million on the cost of previously sending the information via text message. During 2023/24, 22.5 million messages were sent through the NHS App, which would have previously been sent as a text message or letter. The average cost of sending […]