GP Contract documentation 2015/16
Standard contract documentation
NHS England has commissioned new standard primary medical care contracts in order to make sure that there is a consistent contractual framework in place across the country.
These new standard contracts also introduce the new core contract terms that were agreed as part of the 2015/16 GP contract agreement.
These new forms of contract should be used in all cases.
- Standard General Medical Services Contract Variation Notice – April 2015
- NHS England Standard General Medical Services Contract 2015/16
- NHS England Standard Personal Medical Services Agreement 2015/16
- NHS England Standard Alternative Provider Medical Services Contract 2015/16
GMS Variation Notice September 2015 – for old style GMS (updates as far as April 2015)
GMS Contract changes 2015/16
- Implementing the 2015-16 GP Contract Letter to commissioners
- General Medical Services (GMS) Regulations
- GMS Statement of Financial Entitlements Directions 2013
- Statement of Financial Entitlement (Amendment) Directions 2015
- Implementing the 2015-16 GP Contract – Changes to APMS and PMS Contracts
- GMS Ready Reckoner
- NHS England Letter: GMS Contract Changes 2015/16
- V&I GMS Contract Negotiations letter – December 2014
- QOF GMS Contract Negotiations Letter
- The following documents can be found on NHS Employers website:
- GMS Contract Guidance and audit requirements – including core contract requirements and enhanced services;
- Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Guidance;
- Vaccination and Immunisation Guidance – and audit requirements
- Technical Requirements for 2015/16 GMS contract changes
PMS Contract review
NHS England enhanced service specifications
- Directed Enhanced Services (DES) Directions
- Avoiding unplanned admissions: proactive case finding and patient review for vulnerable people 2015/16
- Childhood seasonal influenza vaccination programme 2015/16
- Seasonal influenza and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination programme 2015/16
- Meningococcal freshers vaccination programme 2015/16
- Pertussis (pregnant women) vaccination programme 2015/16
- Shingles (catch up) vaccination programme 2015/16
- Facilitating timely diagnosis and support for people with dementia 2015/16
NHS Standard Contract – Provisions Applicable to Primary Care Services – Schedule 2L and Explanatory Note
In certain circumstances commissioners may wish to commission a package of services including both primary and secondary care elements from a single provider. The NHS Standard Contract is the mandated form of contract, commissioners may include provisions in Schedule 2L of the mandated NHS Standard Contract to make the Contract compliant with the APMS Directions 2013 (amended/superseded) in relation to the provision of primary medical care services.