Regional retention focus

We endeavour to always learn from and share experiences with other colleagues across the NHS, using the regional retention community of practices. Please, do contact your regional retention manager to be part of the community of practice in your region.

People Promise Exemplars

The People Promise Exemplar organisations are a mix of acute, community and mental health providers.

Read more about the People Promise Exemplars and watch a film giving examples of how they are implementing the People Promise.

To support your colleagues to stay and stay well aligned to the People Promise, take a look at our retention resources.

Our pathfinders

The People Promise Exemplars follow on from our pathfinders which were launched in September 2020 across the following three regions:

  1. North East and Yorkshire region – Humber, Coast and Vale, North East and North Cumbria, South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw and West Yorkshire and Harrogate Integrated Care Systems
  2. South West: Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (now Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board)
  3. London: North Central London Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (now North Central London Integrated Care System)

Our pathfinders helped to test assumptions about what can best empower the whole workforce to feel valued, safe, productive and supported and therefore keep more of our valued staff in roles they love. Examples of progress were around activities such as working in collaboration, learning from evidence and best practice and using data as a tool.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the pathfinders or the People Promise exemplars and their work, please contact us.

What initiatives can I take forward now?

To support your colleagues to stay and stay well aligned to the People Promise, take a look at our retention resources.

Here are contributions from representatives across the region, showcasing the progress and collaborative work that is happening:

Looking After Our People – North East and Yorkshire retention – 25 November 2020