Preventing hospital admissions

Recently a report was issued by Diabetes UK stating that over one million people with diabetes were admitted to hospital in England in 2017. 92% of those were not admitted because of their diabetes.

Then why is that number so high? It starts with the team at the hospital; we know that more inpatient specialist nurses are required. Since 2010 some hospitals have made year on year improvements in diabetes care, however more are required. WMCN will be working closely with the WM hospitals in order to try and see an increase in inpatient specialist nurse care dedicated to diabetes.

Before all of the above diabetes starts with ‘What can you do to help yourself’: there are plenty of ways in which you can manage your diabetes and stay healthy, here are a few tips:

  1. Learn about diabetes!  Did you know that there are three types of diabetes? Type 1 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational
  2. Pharmacists, they can help with medicines so speak to yours today.
  3. Get Active! Physical activity can help you control your blood glucose, weight and blood pressure. Talk to your health provider about this
  4. Routine test, if you have an annual foot clinic appointment you should attend, things might seem fine but you have an appointment for a reason

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