Shropshire and Staffordshire Dental LPN


Welcome to the pages of the Dental Local Professional Network (LPN) for Shropshire and Staffordshire. Local Professional Networks are a key part of providing sustainable leadership for the NHS and will work across the commissioning and provider services as a catalyst for change in the modernised NHS. The Dental LPN will be hosted and supported by the Area Team of NHS England. All dental stakeholders should have a voice that can then be carried forward to the Area Team. This is a great opportunity to affect real change to the experience of dentistry for the local population. The Dental LPN has specifically been set up to be clinician led and focused on improving patient care however that may be achieved. This kind of opportunity has not been given to the dental profession before and we should grab it with both hands and ensure that we utilise its potential to improve dentistry in Shropshire and Staffordshire.

“Working together to improve oral health”