Improvement networks
Networks provide a platform for learning, sharing experiences, creating knowledge and spreading good practice. They generate enthusiasm, energy and excitement, enabling connections and relationships to grow.
Several national networks are available to support improvement.
Improvement Directors Network
This network provides an opportunity for executive leaders of improvement to share, consult and support NHS IMPACT and the work of the National Improvement Board.
The network is for:
- executive directors with board level responsibility for improvement in provider trusts
- integrated care systems
- NHS England regional leads for improvement
Improvers Learning Network
This network is a forum for senior improvement leaders to share practical applications of improvement and build capability for improvement.
It provides a safe and supportive environment, enabling members to focus on collective and professional development themes to support the effective delivery of NHS IMPACT.
Integrated Care Board Improvement Network
This network is for integrated care board executive leads for improvement. It provides a dedicated space to support the application of improvement across our systems and share learning from what has gone well and any challenges.
Contact to join the network.