
Cheshire & Merseyside Bereavement Directory [PDF] (reviewed February 2024) 2024 09 04 Cheshire-and-Merseyside-Directory-of-Bereavement-Support-Feb24 update

What is a Compassionate Community?
Compassionate Communities are networks of people supporting each other to live fully before we die.

The aim of a Compassionate Community is to help people to feel ready, willing, and confident to talk about death and dying and to be able to support each other in times of crisis and loss.

Tell 3 People:

It doesn’t have to be just about the big things like the treatment you would or wouldn’t want or where you would wish to die, it can be the smaller things that are significant to you. Talking about death doesn’t bring death closer. It’s about planning for life, helping us make the most of the time that we have. However, starting the conversation, particularly with those close to you, is never easy.  Families commonly report that it comes as a relief once the subject is brought out into the open. You are able to express your thoughts about the way you wish to be cared for, where you’d like to die, or what you’d like to happen after you die. This helps you and your loved ones to cope better both emotionally and practically with what your death could mean. NHS England — North West » Tell 3 People


National Resources:
National Bereavement Alliance 
AgeUK Coping with bereavement Bereavement – Find support with coping | Age UK
The Good Grief Trust Home – The Good Grief Trust
At a Loss GriefChat 
Survivors of bereavement by suicide Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide – Overcoming the isolation of people bereaved by suicide (
Stroke Association
MS Society
Alzheimer’s society
Dementia action alliance
Private counselling 


My decisions:

Would you be surprised to hear that the people who say they are most satisfied with their health care are often those who have planned for what might happen? It makes sense really doesn’t it.

There are lots of different ways you can plan for your future. A good place to start is by making sure people around you know what you would want in your life if your health changed suddenly.

Think about, talk about and document important information about your life. This booklet might help: All-about-Me

Free, interactive site you can use to write your Last Will & Testament, safeguard your Digital Legacy, plan your Funeral, curate a Bucket List, leave Goodbye Messages and make plans for your future health and social care within an Advance Care Plan: MyWishes: Free Will Writing, Digital Legacy, Advance Care Plan & Funeral Software

My future wishes:

It can help to ask yourself three questions:

·         Who do I want involved in my care if I need someone to speak for me?

·         What do I want to happen?

·         What do I definitely not want to happen?

It might be good to start by reading the leaflet ‘Planning for my Future’ and to talk about its contents with family, friends and clinical staff. Planning-for-your-future-care

Always remember you can change your mind.

There are lots of documents that can help you think through the important questions and plan your care. Usually your health professional will help you to complete these and some need the signature of your GP.

When someone’s capacity to make their own decisions starts to fail it can feel hard to know what to do next. Here are some links to ways to organise things for the future so your family don’t have to worry about how to make decisions. Make and register your lasting power of attorney: a guide

Information for you, your relatives and carers about Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions: CPR_NHS_North_West_Patient_Information_Leaflet.pdf (


Your Needs:
Needs assessment 
Carer assessment Local Carers Support Services Near Me | Carers Trust
Memory assessment 


Supportive Care:
What is hospice care? What is hospice care? | Hospice UK
Choose a hospice Hospice Care Finder | Hospice UK


Personal Matters:
Talking about dying About death and dying | Hospice UK
Last days 
Final moments 
What to expect when someone important to you is dying What to expect when someone close to you is dying (
What to do to practically care for someone who is in their days and hours of life


After death:
Bereavement SupportGet support – Cruse Bereavement Support
How to talk about death at work


For Children:
Children and bereavement 
YoungMinds Crisis Messenger 
CASCADE Counselling Service 
Bluebell South Cumbria 


Last Days Matter

Many people, understandably, feel ill-equipped to deal with the issues around end of life and are concerned that with no clinical knowledge, they will not be able to do what is needed. Many people with life shortening conditions and their families and friends told us that they are nervous about starting difficult conversations, others can feel nervous about looking after their loved ones at home.  Most courses about end-of-life care are designed for health professionals. St John’s Hospice worked with community colleagues to design a programme: Last Days Matter. This is a programme to support people without clinical qualifications to help look after their loved ones, be they friends or family, at home. The Compassionate Communities working group are rolling this out across Lancashire & South Cumbria. Read more about the programme here: Last Days Matter – St John’s Hospice (