Healthcare Support Worker Programme: summary of best practice
The primary aims of the Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW) Programme 21/22 are to:
- Further reduce HCSW vacancies to as close to zero as operationally possible and sustain low rates of vacancies
- Ensure sustainable recruitment and reduce reliance on temporary staff.
As part of our support to trusts, we have been collecting best practice case studies from across all seven NHSEI regions (see the table below) to highlight new and innovative HCSW recruitment, onboarding and reducing attrition initiatives, contributing towards a lower HCSW vacancy position.
The case studies have been split into four key themes:
- Enhanced onboarding and care certificate
- Career development and pathways
- Innovative recruitment
- Reducing attrition and pastoral support
Enhanced onboarding and care certificate
South East
North East Yorkshire
East of England
Career development and pathways
North West
South East
North East and Yorkshire
South West
Innovative recruitment
North West
- East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
- Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
South East
North East and Yorkshire
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust
- North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust