Long term conditions

A man checks his heart rate on a wrist monitor

Find out how we’re improving the quality of life for people with long term conditions and their carers.

Our work on long term conditions

NHS England's work on improving services for people with long term conditions. Including information on specific service improvement areas.

Our Declaration: making it happen

Our Declaration sets out the importance of person centred care for people with long term conditions, what needs to change and why we need to change.

Latest news and blogs

For the first time in a generation UK donations of blood plasma are being made into medicines to treat NHS patients

This welcome development is the result of a strong and effective collaboration between NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) and industry partner, Octapharma, to help ensure patients reliant on plasma-derived medicines can access the treatments they need. It’s in the blood Plasma makes up more than […]