National infection prevention and control

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These documents offer guidance on infection control for NHS healthcare staff of all disciplines in all care settings.

National infection prevention and control manual for England



This is an alternative to the PDF document to assist with user accessibility.

This is an evidence-based practice manual for use by all those involved in care provision in England. It should be adopted as mandatory guidance in NHS settings or settings where NHS services are delivered, and the principles should be applied in all care settings.

The manual will ensure a consistent UK-wide approach to infection prevention and control, although some operational and organisational details may differ across the nations.

Accessible version 2.10. Updated 23 May 2024.


PDF version 2.10. Updated 20 August 2024.



Guidance setting out the defined methodology that will be used to develop the infection prevention control evidence base for England.



This is a glossary of terms that are associated with the NIPCM and the supporting resources.

Updated 18 January 2023.

Board assurance framework (BAF)


Updated 13 September 2023.

This update to the previous infection prevention control board assurance framework (BAF) is issued by NHS England for use by organisations to enable them to respond using an evidence-based approach to maintain the safety of patients, services users, staff and others. The framework is for use by all those involved in care provision in England and can be used to provide assurance in NHS settings or settings where NHS services are delivered. This framework is not compulsory but should be used by organisations to ensure compliance with infection prevention and control (IPC) standards (unless alternative internal assurance mechanisms are in place).

NHS England standard infection control precautions monitoring tool


Published 22 October 2024.

This monitoring tool is issued by NHS England for use by organisations to support implementation of the National infection prevention and control manual (NIPCM) for England. It is for use by all those involved in care provision in England and can be used to provide assurance in NHS settings or settings where NHS services are delivered. The use of the monitoring tool is not compulsory but it can be used in place of, or in addition to, local tools used by organisations to ensure application of the guidelines as set out in the NIPCM for England

NHS England IPC - A to Z pathogen resource



The A to Z pathogen resource includes pathogens that are either notifiable under Health Protection (Notification*) Regulations 2010 or are considered to be healthcare associated infections (HCAI) of concern. The list provides a brief overview of each included pathogen and links to relevant current guidance, guidelines, policy, and resources.

Infection prevention and control education framework



A new education framework on infection prevention and control (IPC). It sets out a vision for the design and delivery of IPC education for our people that support effective and safe care. The framework outlines the behaviours, knowledge and skills required by the health and social care workforce to improve the quality of IPC practice and thereby improve patient outcomes. The standards cover all organisations, national, regional and local that provide or commission educational programmes.

Published 7 March 2023.

Education framework for the infection prevention and control practitioner (IPC) workforce



Published 18 October 2023.

A rapid review of aerosol generating procedures (AGPs)


An assessment of the UK AGP list conducted on behalf of the UK IPC Cell.

Published 9 June 2022.



Letter outlining next steps on infection prevention and control: publication of revised UK Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidance and an IPC Manual for England.

Published 14 April 2022.

Healthcare associated infection compendium of guidance and resources



This compendium collates current guidance, guidelines, policy and legislation, and other resources related to infection prevention and control into a single source.

Version 15. Updated 6 January 2025.


Version 15. Updated 6 January 2025.

Practical steps towards completing a local risk assessment


Version 6. Published 22 January 2024.

To support organisations, practices and employers to undertake a local risk assessment in the context of managing seasonal respiratory viral infections focussing on influenza, SARS- CoV-2 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) based on the measures as prioritised in the hierarchy of controls.


Version 5. Published 22 January 2024.

To support organisations, practices and employers to undertake a local risk assessment in the context of managing seasonal respiratory viral infections focussing on influenza, SARS- CoV-2 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) based on the measures as prioritised in the hierarchy of controls.

Dental framework – supporting guidance for primary and community care dental settings


Version 3.2. Published September 2022.

This dental framework has been designed to support practices in identifying hazards and risks with guidance on measures that should be maintained as we move to new, improved, and safer ways of working. In balancing risks appropriately, the framework provides a consistent handrail applicable to the generic dental practice environment.

Isolation prioritisation tool



The isolation prioritisation tool is intended to provide a systematic framework that can be used by healthcare staff in organisations to assist in the prioritisation of isolation rooms for infection prevention and control. It is recommended that the tool is used as part of a multidisciplinary approach (including infection prevention and control, medical, nursing, operations, and facilities teams) to collaboratively develop clinical pathways and contingencies based on local risk assessments.