NHS Education Funding Agreement – April 2024 – March 2027

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Main body and schedule templates for the NHS Education Funding Agreement.

To request an accessible version of any of the related documents please contact: england.educationfundingagreement@nhs.net


Main body terms

Main body terms

  • Microsoft Word
  • 432 KB



This schedule covers the services to be provided by the provider with whom NHS England holds the agreement. These sections are tailored specifically to the requirements of the individual organisation.


Schedule 2 – funding

Schedule 2 – funding

  • Microsoft Word
  • 36 KB


This schedule outlines the funding being given for the delivery of Services. It is linked to the annually published Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) education and training Tariff and NHS England education funding guide.


This schedule outlines the Quality and Agreement Performance requirements. It links to the NHS England Education Quality Framework and draws out key clauses of the NHS Education Funding Agreement, which make up the KPIs.


This schedule is standardised for use across England and are designed to be used to provide clarity on expectations between parties and to facilitate a less bureaucratic process for placements. By signing the NHS Education Funding Agreement and accepting the services (Clauses 10,11 or both) in Schedule 1, the provider agreeing to the TPAs as well.


This schedule is standardised for use across England and are designed to be used to provide clarity on expectations between parties and to facilitate a less bureaucratic process for placements. By signing the NHS Education Funding Agreement and accepting the services (Clauses 10,11 or both) in Schedule 1, the provider agreeing to the TPAs as well.



Within this schedule our Data Sharing Agreement outlines what, why and how we operate in collecting and transferring data between NHS England and the organisation signing the Agreement.


This schedule contains a change control notice template for use when a change is to be introduced such as additions to services, new terms or funding needs to be set out after the agreement has been signed by parties.


The schedule relates solely to Education Support services for employed individual who carry out faculty support services to NHS England as part of NHS England Postgraduate Education services.