Core20PLUS Accelerator Sites

NHS England’s Core20PLUS Accelerator Sites Programme is delivered in partnership with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and the Health Foundation.

Seven accelerator sites across England were selected through an expression of interest process in December 2022. Since then, all seven sites have led targeted quality improvement, using a Core20PLUS5 approach to make progress in key clinical areas and with relevant population groups.

The seven accelerator sites and key areas of work are:

  1. Lancashire and South Cumbria integrated care system (ICS) (improving access to cancer screening, and earlier care)
  2. Cornwall and Isles of Scilly ICS (earlier cancer diagnosis rates across Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in Cornwall)
  3. Humber and North Yorkshire ICS (developing a joined-up team approach to assessment, planning and care)
  4. Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS (tackling variation in early deaths due to cardiovascular disease)
  5. Surrey Heartlands ICS (increasing cancer screening uptake and coverage for those with learning disability)
  6. Mid and South Essex ICS (increasing life expectancy for those with severe mental illness)
  7. North Central London ICS (improving early diagnosis of lung cancer through targeted lung health checks)

As part of this work, IHI provided regular advice and coaching with the accelerators to help them develop and spread their work.

Two accelerators, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and ICS and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly ICS were identified to showcase their work at the prestigious Royal Society of Medicine’s second annual Tackling Inequalities conference in partnership with NHS England in January.

Now that the initial Accelerator Programme has ended, the Strategy Unit (hosted by Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit) will identify and share learning from these sites as part of a wider evaluation of our evolving Core20PLUS5 approach for adults and children and young people.

If you would like to find out more about the Accelerator Programme or reach out to a specific site, please email NHS England’s Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme team: