Contacts and resources
A number of resources are available to support stakeholders to reduce healthcare inequalities. These can be accessed from the Equality and Health Inequalities Network on the FutureNHS platform. The site includes system focussed guidance, support tools information, best practice and the latest reports and events from NHS England’s Patient Equality and Healthcare Inequalities Improvement programmes.
The Health Anchors Learning Network
NHS organisations are increasingly developing their role as anchor institutions in their local communities and can positively influence the social, economic and environmental conditions that impact on health inequalities. The Health Anchors Learning Network (HALN) is a free UK-wide network. It provides spaces and opportunities for participants to learn with peers and experts about how anchor organisations can use their resources, influence and work in partnership to improve the social determinants of health and help reduce inequalities.
National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement team
The Healthcare Inequalities Improvement team supports the organisation and wider system with their approach to reducing healthcare inequalities. Supporting improvement through programme work to consider the needs of the population we serve will narrow the gap of where inequalities exist. The NHS England Healthcare Inequalities Improvement team can be contacted at:
National Patient Equalities team
The Patient Equalities team brings together a range of work to advance patient equalities and to provide advice and support on delivery of both our key legislative commitments in relation to patient equalities and the specific commitments in the NHS Long Term Plan and NHS Mandate. The NHS England Patient Equalities team can be contacted at: