Tools and resources – data and evidence
Using data and evidence to help narrow healthcare inequalities is central to the work of the National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme. We continue to develop tools and resources to support stakeholders to drive interventions and action for improvement for those populations with the poorest access, experiences and outcomes of healthcare.
The Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Dashboard is available to users working in NHS regions, systems, primary care networks, NHS providers and local authorities. Those with access to the HIID can also use other tools and resources available on the platform. These include:
- Priority neighbourhoods for unplanned hospitalisations dashboard
Priority neighbourhoods/wards are local areas within integrated care partnerships (ICPs), formerly clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), which have a disproportionately high level of unplanned hospitalisations by age, sex and ethnicity as well as a high deprivation score. They were first developed for the Equality and Health Inequality RightCare Packs December 2018. The RightCare packs are improvement data packs used across commissioning organisations in the NHS – please see example pack. These allow local areas to split data by health conditions to inform local strategies to address disparities. The dashboard hosts a live version of the datapacks, which allows users to see data from their respective neighbourhoods and benchmark against similar areas. It provides an overview of inequalities in unplanned hospitalisations for Chronic Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSCs) across NHS organisations, using the Absolute Gradient of Inequality (AGI) - Actionable insights tool
The ‘Actionable Insights’ tool uses statistical techniques to identify system level inequalities, presenting results statements as clear sentences, rather than using charts alone. The tool will make it easier to interpret data available to help NHS systems to reduce healthcare inequalities. Maps generated by the tool, also highlight where patients are most negatively impacted enabling teams to prioritise and target action. - Primary Care Networks dashboard
The Primary Care Networks dashboard allows primary care networks (PCNs), commissioners and systems to see the benefits they are delivering for their patients. It offers a standardised and comparable view of information to support tracking and delivery of PCN services.
These tools and dashboards aim to provide rich data, insights and evidence on key strategic priority areas to narrow healthcare inequalities and complement those available from other national programme teams, and organisations working to narrow health inequalities.