EDS case studies
NHS England and the Equality and Diversity Council are keen to learn about and share good practice relating to the implementation of the Equality Delivery System at local level and the outcomes that have been achieved for patients and the workforce – across the nine characteristics given protection under the Equality Act 2010 – as a result of your organisation’s use of the EDS.
The EDS/EDS2 case studies below have been submitted by local NHS organisations.
Better health outcomes
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – Cancer Screening in Learning Disabilities
- Peninsula Community Health- Increase the uptake in breast screening of women with learning disabilities
- NHS Midlands and Lancashire CSU & Blackpool CCG: Eye Health Awareness
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust- improving services for the Roma community
Improved patient access and experience
- Derby Hospitals- Filming the journey for patients with learning disabilities
- Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust: Using equality information to reduce non-attendance at the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
- NHS Midlands and Lancashire CSU & East Lancashire CCG- EDS is everybody’s business- improving maternity services
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – Improving services for homeless people
A representative and supported workforce
- West Midlands Ambulance Service
- Isle of Wight NHS Trust- Recognising individuals: establishing a LGBT staff and service user network
- South Devon – Employability Hub
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust- Flexible working options
- Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust- Tackling bullying and harassment
- North East London Foundation Trust- Staff Networks for BME, Disabled and LGB&T Staff
Implementing EDS2
- South East Coast Ambulance Service- an integrated approach to implement EDS2 and inclusion strategy
- Nottingham University Hospitals- A combined commissioner and provider partnership approach to the EDS2
- Lambeth CCG – Equality in NHS Lambeth, a coproduction approach to using the EDS
- Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust : Involving LGBT stakeholders in equality performance and assessment
- North West Surrey CCG- using EDS2 to set up Equality Objectives
Promoting Equality
- Diamond Cluster Equality Expert Group
- North Somerset CCG
- South East CSU with Merton CCG
- North of England CSU- Supporting Equality Analysis for CCGs
- Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust- Equality Standard
- Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust: Strategy to Promote and Improve Equality Diversity and Inclusion for Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Service Users and Staff