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NHS England is committed to listening to and engaging with the public, patients and stakeholders to help design and deliver the NHS Federated Data Platform.
In the engagement portal you can:
- register your interest in taking part in future engagement activity
- leave feedback on any aspect of the programme
- ask a question
Programme advisory groups
The NHS Federated Data Platform programme is supported by several stakeholder groups:
Health Data Patient and Public Engagement and Communications Advisory Panel
The Health Data Public and Patient Engagement and Communications Advisory Panel (PPECAP) includes representation from a diverse range of patient and public representatives (lay members), supported by organisations who champion the voice of the public and patients.
These organisations are:
- Office of the National Data Guardian
- Understanding Patient Data
- Cancer Research UK (CRUK)/Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC)
The panel plays a vital role in helping to shape communications content, plans for public engagement and in supporting the development of meaningful and accessible communications materials.
See the Patient and Public Engagement and Communications Advisory Panel meeting papers for more information.
Federated Data Platform check and challenge group
The FDP check and challenge group is a stakeholder advisory group which provides strategic advice to NHS England re: the NHS Federated Data Platforms programme of communications, engagement, and transparency. It was established in November 2023.
The group meets monthly and is attended by members from a range of organisations with knowledge and expertise regarding health data, patient and public voice, data security and the health system, including:
- National Voices (Independent Chair)
- Office of the National Data Guardian
- Association of Medical Research Charities
- Nottingham University Hospital Trust
- Healthwatch England
- Understanding Patient Data
- Royal College of Surgeons
- Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
- Patients Association
- NHS Frimley
- North West London Integrated Care System
- Information Commissioner’s Office
- NHS England
- Department of Health and Social Care
- NHS Confederation
Participation in the group should not be viewed as any organisation being supportive of the programme. The group is embedded in both the programme governance arrangements and in the communications and engagement strategy for the NHS FDP programme.
See the Terms of reference, which defines the role of the Check and Challenge Group, membership, and operating model. Alongside the action notes of the group meetings for more information.
NHS Federated Data Platform Clinical Advisory Group
The purpose of the NHS Federated Data Platform (NHS FDP) Clinical Advisory Group is to ensure there is a clinical voice and provide clinical expertise and advice to the programme to ensure NHS FDP is aligned and supports the achievement of clinical goals.
The Advisory Group provides a forum for members to challenge, feedback, advise, and guide in the development and delivery of the NHS Federated Data Platform (FDP) programme and implementation of national, regional, and local products to deliver and optimise benefits for patients and clinical staff.
Additionally, the group will provide early input and advice around the use of new technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, from a clinical perspective. New roadmap suggestions for new technologies can be tested with this group during early stages of the product lifecycle.
The Group is chaired by The Interim National Medical Director for Transformation at NHS England, and the group meet on a quarterly basis.
Specialist information governance groups
The programme is supported by specialist information governance (IG) groups listed below:
NHS Federated Data Platform – Data Governance Group (DGG)
The Data Governance Group (DGG) was established by NHS England to provide programme oversight to the approach to data processing and sharing including the lawful basis, across all instances of the NHS FDP and NHS Privacy Enhancing Technology.
The group’s aim is to facilitate consistency of information governance (IG) documentation by approving Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for data platform products before these are launched within NHS FDP.
See the terms of reference for the group for more information.