Ambitions for palliative and end of life care
The Ambitions framework was developed by a partnership of national organisations across the statutory and voluntary sectors. It sets out our vision to improve end of life care through partnership and collaborative action between organisations at local level throughout England.
- Ambition 1 – Each person is seen as an individual
- Ambition 2 – Each person gets fair access to care
- Ambition 3 – Maximising comfort and wellbeing
- Ambition 4 – Care is co-ordinated
- Ambition 5 – All staff are prepared to care
- Ambition 6 – Each community is prepared to help
National palliative and end of life care (PEoLC) aims and objectives align to the Ambitions for palliative and end of life care national framework and further information is available on the Future NHS PEoLC Network. To request access, email:
There is also an Ambitions catalogue available via Health Education England, which hosts all of the Ambitions Partnership publications.