GP Contract documentation 2016/17
Standard Contract Documentation
- Standard General Medical Services Contract Variation Notice – February 2017
- NHS England Standard General Medical Services Contract 2016/17
- Standard Personal Medical Services Agreement Variation Notice – February 2017
- NHS England Standard Personal Medical Services Agreement 2016/17
GMS Contract changes 2016/17
- Letter: Action for provision of information on general practice access data
- GMS Ready Reckoner
- NHS England Letter: GMS Contract Changes 2016/17
- Implementing the 2016-17 GP Contract: Letter to commissioner
- Implementing the 2016-17 GP Contract: Changes to APMS and PMS Contracts
- GMS Statement of Financial Entitlements Directions 2013
- Directed Enhanced Services (DES) Directions 2016
The following documents can be found on NHS Employers website:
- 2016/17 General Medical Services (GMS) contract – Guidance for GMS contract 2016/17
- Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Guidance
NHS England enhanced service specifications
- QRISK2 patient assessment programme
- Avoiding unplanned admissions: proactive case finding and patient review for vulnerable people 2016/17
- Meningococcal freshers vaccination programme 2016/17
- Pertussis (pregnant women) vaccination programme 2016/17
- Seasonal influenza and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination programme 2016/17
- Shingles (catch-up) vaccination programme 2016/17
- Childhood seasonal influenza vaccination programme 2016/17
- Meningococcal B (MenB) infant vaccination programme 2016/17
- Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) 18 years on 31 August vaccination programme 2016/17
The following document sets out which vaccination programmes are classified as additional services funded under Global Sum and which vaccination programmes are classified as enhanced services: