Where can I find out more about LeDeR?
- Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities (CIPOLD)
- Government response to the Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities
- Learning, candour and accountability: A review of the way NHS trusts review and investigate the deaths of patients in England
- National Guidance on Learning from Deaths: A Framework for NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts on Identifying, Reporting, Investigating and Learning from Deaths in Care
- Report of the Independent Inquiry into Access to Healthcare For People With Learning Disabilities by Sir Jonathan Michael
- Death by Indifference report by Mencap
- People with learning disabilities: making reasonable adjustments
- https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/health-and-care-of-people-with-learning-disabilities/standardised-mortality-ratio-indicator
- LeDeR reports annual reports
- NHS England Action from learning reports
- Letter asking GP practices and provider trusts to support Learning from Deaths Reviews for people with a learning disability by releasing case notes to reviewers as quickly as possible.
- Letter setting out the national delivery arrangements for the LeDeR programme for 2020/21 and the expectations of CCGs in supporting that delivery.
The LeDeR programme have developed lots of information for family carers, local area contacts, steering groups and social care providers. Much of this information is available in easy read.
Film from Liverpool Royal
This video shows how learning from deaths of people with a learning disability (LeDeR) is used to improve care in an acute hospital setting.