Summary Care Records
A Summary Care Record is a way of telling health and care staff important information about a person.
Read this easy read photo story about adding additional information to your summary care record.
It tells staff caring for someone about their medicines and allergies. This means they can look after the person if they are not at their usual doctor’s surgery.
For people with a learning disability, autism or both a doctor might ask if they can add some additional information to the summary care record. This will mean if a person needs treatment by other services like emergency or urgent care they will have more information about them.
More information about the Summary Care Record, including an easy read leaflet, is available on the NHS Digital website.
Information for health professionals
You can help people with a learning disability by asking if you can add additional information to their summary care record.
Any information from the person’s GP record which could help staff support the person better will be automatically added. This could be things like how they want to be communicated with or any reasonable adjustments that need to be made.
To make sure other NHS services can access this information you need to opt in to adding additional information to the Summary Care Record. There is a question on the annual health check national template to encourage more people to agree to having additional information added to their Summary Care Record.
More information for GPs about using summary care records to make more information available in care settings is available on the NHS Digital website.