Learning disability and autism news

Care and treatment reviews to become ‘business as usual’

NHS England has today set out how it intends that reviews of care and treatment arrangements for people with learning disabilities are to be embedded across the health and care system. Care and Treatment Reviews (CTRs) were developed as part of NHS England’s commitment to improving the care of people with learning disabilities or autism. […]

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#TransformingCare – join our Learning Disabilities hour on Twitter

Share your views on the draft Service Model for people with learning disabilities/ autism on Thursday 27 August 1.00-2.00pm We are hosting a Learning Disabilities hour on twitter. We are inviting feedback on the latest draft service model: Supporting people with a learning disability and/or autism who have a mental health condition or display behaviour that […]

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New draft guidelines to help transform the care of people with learning disabilities

NHS England, the Local Government Association (LGA), and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Sevices (ADASS) have today published a new draft national framework designed to improve the care of people with learning disabilities, shifting services away from hospital care and towards community-based settings. The new draft Service Model is the latest piece of work […]

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Urgent action pledged on over-medication of people with learning disabilities

NHS England has today promised rapid and sustained action to tackle the over-prescribing of psychotropic drugs to people with learning disabilities after three separate reports highlighted the need for change. Research commissioned by the health body and delivered in three reports from the Care Quality Commission, Public Health England and NHS Improving Quality has found […]

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Transforming Care for People with Learning Disabilities – Progress Report

The Transforming Care Delivery Board, comprising NHS England, the Local Government Association (LGA), the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Health Education England (HEE) and the Department of Health has today published a Progress Report (also in easy read (this document is no longer available here but can […]

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NHS launches world’s first national review of deaths of people with learning disabilities

Independent project to help NHS reduce premature mortality for people with learning disabilities. NHS England, the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) and the University of Bristol have today (18 June) announced the world’s first national programme to review – and ultimately reduce – premature deaths of people with learning disabilities. The three-year project will be the […]

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NHS jobs pledge for people with learning disabilities

NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens has today (17 June) thrown down a challenge to the health service to open up suitable job opportunities to people with learning disabilities. To mark Learning Disability Week, NHS Employers and NHS England are today launching a new national network providing advice, ideas and impetus to all NHS organisations […]

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The key to improving learning disability services lies with the people

Empowering people and their families has been a priority for NHS England as it looks to develop and improve its learning disability services. Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) for England, said: giving people with learning disabilities their families and carers more say over their care was fundamental to the planning of future services. She […]

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Learning Disability Week is all about listening

‘Hear My Voice’ is the theme of this year’s Learning Disability Week which runs from today. The week aims to give people and their families a voice in shaping services – bringing their ‘lived experience’ and perspective to NHS England’s work programme, helping to co-design new and better services. Dr Dominic Slowie, NHS England’s National […]

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Mental health staff working with police and courts now cover half of England

Half of the country is now covered by a new service to make sure people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities or other vulnerabilities such as debt or homelessness are supported in police custody and the courts. Sixteen new ‘Liaison and Diversion’ (L&D) teams are now up and running, bringing the total to 26 schemes […]

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