Classification: Official
Publication reference: PR00081_ii
This infographic sets out 10 recommendations to help systems and employers retain doctors in late stage career.
1. Workforce planning
Understand the age profile of your medical workforce, broken down by specialism/department, to assess where the biggest risks may sit, any variation across specialities, and permit succession planning.
2. Retirement conversations
Have retirement conversations early enough to help older doctors to plan for and consider their options around retirement.
3. Flexible working
Promote and support the various options for flexible working, encouraging a collaborative and team-based approach and having clear policies and processes in place for doctors. Further information is on our Retention hub.
4. Flexible retirement
Have a clear and accessible policy on flexible retirement and ensure options supporting flexibility are communicated to those approaching retirement. Further information is on our Retention hub.
5. Create compassionate inclusive cultures
Embed a culture of compassionate leadership, with leaders visibly modelling desired behaviours and being open to creating listening and psychologically safe cultures. Further information is on our Retention hub.
6. Support health and wellbeing
Ensure there is adequate access and signposting to health and wellbeing resources and occupational health services and human resources teams and line managers are supported in accommodating reasonable adjustments. Further information is on our Retention hub.
7. New ways of working
Consider opportunities for older doctors to make use of their skills in other ways away from the clinical setting. The opportunity to develop professionally and work in different ways can help increase motivation to stay. Further information is on our Retention hub.
8. Recognition
Review organisational approaches to recognition to ensure that the various schemes available recognise and celebrate the skills of doctors in late stage career.
9. Advice on pensions
Signpost doctors in late stage career to financial advice and provide access to information to help raise awareness of pensions taxation and the options that exist for colleagues worried about its impact.
10. Getting the basics right
Focus on getting the basics right, with access to adequate IT systems, nutritious food and drink out of hours, rest facilities and ability to leave work on time. These elements can influence levels of job satisfaction