The Florence Nightingale Foundation encouraged BAME nurses and midwives working on the front line during the Covid pandemic to take selfies and share them on social media on the NHS’s 72nd birthday on 5 July 2020.
#NurseBehindTheMask and #MidwifeBehindTheMask is multicultural, demonstrating the depth of nationalities working in the NHS which make it so special.
The foundation was also behind the launch of the Windrush Leadership Programme in 2018 that seeks to equip descendants of the Windrush generation and other BAME nurses and midwives with the skills, knowledge and confidence to pursue senior roles.
Mandeep Lally is a sister at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust and is a Florence Nightingale Foundation Nurse Alumni who also took part in the Nurse Behind The Mask campaign in 2020.
Image of Mandeep Lally, courtesy of the Florence Nightingale Foundation for the Nurse Behind the Mask campaign.