Investing in people and culture

What this looks like in practice

  • Engage with people who work in healthcare roles and organisations and those with lived experience to design and implement the improvements based on what matters to them.
  • Facilitate opportunities for people to visit other systems and organisations to understand different ways of operating and different organisational cultures.
  • Invest and support people to understand and own their work enabling them to make improvements on their day-to-day operations.
  • Undertake “cultural readiness work” prior to an improvement programme. Cultural readiness work is defined as planned and deliberate efforts to establish and maintain a shared set of values that all organisational members can align to.
  • Use a coaching style of leadership in areas where improvement is required, encourage idea generation and run PDSA (plan, do, study, act) cycles regularly. Encourage the use of measurement to capture improvements.
  • Have a locally agreed method to measure and assess organisational improvement culture, potentially using NHS staff survey information. This will allow the organisation to track cultural change.

Guidance and resources

Assessment and improvement

Visit our assessment and improvement pages to understand where you are on your journey to embed each of the five components of NHS IMPACT and to begin building an improvement culture.

In particular, learn more about resourcing and how to build capacity and capability for improvement.

Courses, workshops and events

Free tools and guides

Journal articles, reports and research

Case studies

Examples of this happening in practice:

We are the NHS People Plan 2020/21 – action for us all

This plan sets out actions to support transformation across the whole NHS. It focuses on how we must all continue to look after each other and foster a culture of inclusion and belonging, as well as action to grow our workforce, train our people, and work together differently to deliver patient care. The principles underpinning the action through 2020/21 must endure beyond that time.

Read our people plan stories

Further case studies to demonstrate investing in people and culture:

NHS IMPACT bulletin

Subscribe to the NHS IMPACT (Improving Patient Care Together) bulletin