NHS North West BAME Assembly
North West BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) Assembly: a strategic advisory group to tackle inequalities
The disproportionate effect of the COVID pandemic on ethnic minorities shone a light on the many demographic, geographical, and socioeconomic factors which. contribute to health inequalities
The North West Regional BAME Assembly was set up in July 2020 as a strategic advisory group for senior NHS leaders from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds to shape an agenda for long-term structural change. The Assembly’s brief is to make a measurable, significant, and sustainable step change in tackling racism, discrimination and health inequalities.
The Assembly will support and influence the system to tackle racism and discrimination by amplifying the voices of the Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities, and challenge people to think more deeply about longstanding, deep rooted inequalities in healthcare and society, and to be a critical friend to NHS organisations in the North West.
The BAME Assembly co-chaired by the Regional Director for the North East and Yorkshire and North West regions, Richard Barker, and Evelyn Asante Mensah OBE, Chair of Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Taking an inclusive approach
The Assembly brings together over 70 Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic senior NHS leaders in the region, including trust Chief Executives, Board Chairs, and non-executive directors. A deliberately inclusive approach was taken to include all willing voices in the conversation so people could influence and support each other across the system. We believe we can bring about real improvements by working with our NHS colleagues as our allies to improve knowledge of the issues that our Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic colleagues face not just in the NHS, but society in general.
Preparing to make a difference
The Assembly has produced an antiracism framework for NHS organisations, which outlines strategies, processes, policies, and actions to reduce racial inequality within their workforce and services.
This framework supports broader equality, diversity, and inclusion initiatives within the NHS such the EDI Improvement Plan, EDS 2022, WRES, Model Employer Standard, and the Long Term Workforce Plan.
The antiracism framework can be found here
For more information please contact us at england.nwbame_assembly@nhs.net