
Primary Care

Improved prevention & detection of CVD risk

  • Use risk stratification tools and case finding methodologies to detect people at risk

Improved management of CVD: management in primary care

  • Annual review and management of patients at high risk of CVD-related deterioration (on disease registers)

Community, Public and Ambulance

Enhanced recovery

  • Increased uptake of cardiac rehab

Best practice treatment – rapid access for urgent cases

  • Implement STEMI pathway (Note for 21/22 Rapid conveyance of STEMI cases to meet critical time standards)

 Outpatients and Diagnosis

More efficient use of outpatient capacity

  • Expand use of Advice & Guidance, PIFU, eRS

Appropriate diagnostic waits, through maximising existing and expanding capacity

  • Rapid development of CDHs for direct access diagnostics with appropriate reporting / interpretation for GPs
  • Maximising diagnostic capacity including through networking capacity & staff, image-sharing, use of alternative roles

 Acute Treatment

Reduced (recovered) waits for elective treatment – prioritising the right patients across the network

  • Trusts manage access to interventions, and patient flow, effectively

Reduced (recovered) waits for elective treatment – patient flow

  • There is 7-day working in each trust

Best practice treatment – rapid access for urgent cases

  • There is a safe high quality service across the network

Best practice treatment – quality and outcomes