Patient engagement

North West Coast Strategic Clinical Networks Diabetes Interest Group

Peoples Voice – Diabetes Interest Group

The Diabetes Network wants to ensure that the voices of the public, of patients and carers are at the centre of everything we do.  We will only make decisions about all our activities after listening carefully to the people who use and care about Diabetes services.

Do you want to know more about our Diabetes Interest Group?

Find out more through the below link to our interactive presentation:

Learn more here

How can I sign up?

If you would like to be involved in the work we do, please register your details under the below link. Here you can select what areas of Diabetes you would like to be involved with and what level of involvement you want.

Sign up here

If you have any feedback about the group or work we do please contact:

GDPR: If you would like to unregister from the Diabetes Improvement Group, please email with the subject ‘Unsubscribe from DIG’ and your name and contact details and we will remove your data from our database.