Norfolk and Waveney STP: From kindness to innovation
Norfolk and Waveney STP is supporting its staff in secondary, community, primary and social care though a new health and wellbeing network that shares resources and encourages best practice. The health and wellbeing of its people is one of the four pillars of #WeCareTogether, the local people plan to make Norfolk and Waveney the best place to work.
The STP has been using the excellent relationships and enthusiasm from its system partners to ensure its people feet supported and connected, by sharing timely information and guidance to enhance their health and wellbeing, and showcasing their experiences in a photo documentary.
“Establishing our health and wellbeing network early in the pandemic meant that as a system we could collaborate to ensure that we were sharing timely, clear and helpful information to people so that they had as much support as possible to stay well and motivated,” explained Alex Watson, HR Business Partner at Norfolk Community Health Care NHS Trust.
“The network allowed our health and wellbeing leads to share resources and reduce duplication of time and effort. Our focus was on physical, mental, social and family, and financial wellbeing, with resources updated regularly on our system website which allowed anyone working in a health and social care role to access support”.
Meanwhile, the #WeCareTogether photo documentary showcases the dedication and commitment of local health and social care colleagues during the pandemic. The campaign captures a range of people working in NHS trusts, residential and care homes, primary care networks and Norfolk County Council.
“We have been overwhelmed with positive comments and feedback from people who have participated in and viewed the campaign”, said Emma Wakelin, Head of Workforce Transformation at Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership.
“Our people have been working in very challenging circumstances but remain positive and continue delivering excellent care. Enhanced team working, flexibility, kindness and innovation are some of the emerging themes from people’s stories and we are using these insights to inform our workforce transformation plans for this year.
“The portraits will be used more formally in our buildings, as part of future attraction campaigns, and we will host a series of exhibitions to say thanks to our people and to recognise the talent of our local photographers and designers who helped to bring the campaign to life,” Emma added. “We are now planning the next steps in the campaign to keep it live, focusing on topics such as #BlackLivesMatter, flu vaccinations and welcoming our first cohort of nursing associates who will complete training in September.”
Health and wellbeing resources are available on the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnerships website, and you can like, follow and share their photo documentary via Instagram.
For more information, please contact Emma Wakelin.