You searched for: complaints policy

32 results

Diversity in the NHS is everyone’s business

The Equality and Diversity Council at NHS England works to ensure everyone’s contribution to our health service is fairly recognised. In the second of two blogs, the Chair of the BMA Representative Body reports on the Council’s work and outlines what steps we can all take to ensure fair treatment for NHS patients and staff: […]

My fight for disability equality

In the second of three blogs highlighting the experiences of children, young people and families with a learning disability or autism, Mary Busk looks at what has changed and what is being done to improve their quality of care, quality of health and quality of life: As a mum of three children aged 18, 17 […]

Learning from lives and deaths – People with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR)

Annual report and action from learning reports 2021/22 The NHS Long Term Plan made a commitment to continue LeDeR and to improve the health and wellbeing of people with a learning disability. This annual report, the first from our new academic partners led by Kings College London, provides information about the deaths of people with […]


Factsheets and clarifying notes Clarifying notes The content of previously published ‘clarifying notes’ is included in the revised (v1.1) version of the Implementation Guidance for the Standard. Factsheets Identifying information and communication needs Recording information and communication needs Flagging information and communication needs Sharing information and communication needs Meeting information and communication needs Top Implementation […]

We’re at a crucial time for personal health budgets

Amid a continuing drive at for wholescale redesign of health services, another more subtle shift is taking place, to ensure that for a subset of people for whom traditional healthcare services don’t work, more personalised approaches become the norm. Personal health budgets, or PHBs, have been described as a “breath of fresh air”. I’ve heard […]