You searched for: palliative care network

40 results

Who we work with

NHS England are working with Government, partners from across the health and care system, voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) partners and people with lived experience, to improve palliative and end of life care across the country. We are a member of the National Palliative and End of Life Care Ambitions Partnership, and jointly developed […]

Service specifications

Service specifications are important in clearly defining the standards of care expected from organisations funded by NHS England to provide specialised care. The specifications have been developed by specialised clinicians, commissioners, expert patients and public health representatives to describe both core and developmental service standards. Core standards are those that all funded providers should be […]

We are all the patient experience

NHS England’s Director for Experience, Participation and Equalities marks the start of Experience of Care Week 2018: The NHS sometimes feels like a world in itself and we are highly conscious of the pressures facing it. Yet these are not unique and are also faced by many healthcare systems around the world. For example, demand and acuity […]

About AHPs

The Allied Health Professions (AHPs) are the third largest clinical workforce in the health and care.  In the main they are degree level professions and are professionally autonomous practitioners. There are currently 14 registerable titles for AHPs: 13 of the 14 AHPs are regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) with Osteopaths regulated […]

A five-year strategy for lung health

The Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation explains why people living with terminal lung conditions should not have to spend the short time they have left navigating a complicated healthcare system: Iain Duncan Smith once said that society would simply collapse without grandparents. They play an essential role in our family homes, from providing […]

Resources and support

Below we have highlighted publications and resources which we hope you will find useful: Addressing palliative and end of life care needs for people living with heart failure: a revised framework for integrated care systems Palliative and end of life care: Statutory guidance for integrated care boards (ICBs) Specialist palliative and end of life care […]

The key to managing chronic joint pain

Mike Hurley from the Health Innovation Network (Academic Health Science Network for south London) explains how they are helping people to self-manage their chronic joint pain. The increasing burden of an ageing population on NHS services is well documented. GP’s are doing their best to cope with the ever increasing demand on services; sometimes lacking […]

South schemes

South – investment in technology South – investment in premises South – new builds South – investment in technology Scheme CCG Bishopston Medical Practice – Central Telephony Solution across 3 sites NHS Bristol CCG BNSSG – Document Sharing NHS South Gloucestershire CCG BNSSG – Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems (EPaCCs) NHS South Gloucestershire CCG BNSSG […]