You searched for: Guide to NHS

1086 results

Case study: smoking cessation transfer of care from hospital to community pharmacy pilot – Oldham in Greater Manchester

Overview The Royal Oldham Hospital (part of the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust) started to refer patients who had quit smoking during their stay as an inpatient to community pharmacies across Oldham in December 2020 as part of the NHS England Pharmacy Integration Programme pilot NHS Smoking Cessation Service: Transfer of Care to Community […]

Social prescribing as a way of tackling health inequalities in all health settings

Dr Jagan John, Chair of the North East London Clinical Commissioning Group and Clinical Director for Personalised Care in London. It’s National Social Prescribing Day – an annual celebration of the community groups and projects that have kept us healthy throughout the pandemic. Social Prescribing is gaining momentum in the NHS as a way of […]

As line managers and leaders, we play a crucial role in supporting our workforce to stay with us, and to stay well

Retaining our staff is one of the most vital issues facing the NHS and as line managers and leaders, we play a crucial role. As a nurse, I know from experience that it’s the contribution of the whole team that delivers the very best patient outcomes and enables us to be the best we can […]

Data insights

The diversity of your workforce, where to focus your health and wellbeing intervention and what form that should take can all be informed through data. Furthermore, it also enables you to measure whether interventions are having the desired impact and therefore, if it’s worth expanding, adapting or stopping implementation. Data used in the right way […]

Managers and leaders

Our managers and leaders are fundamental to creating positive and healthy working environments for our diverse NHS people. The following section identifies the responsibilities of senior leaders, what healthy behaviours look like for the leaders across our organisations and the importance of skilled and supported managers in helping to build and sustain cultures of health […]

Fulfilment at work

Fulfilment at work encompasses not only the work we do on a day-to-day basis but a range of themes and activities that together form a critical component of an individual’s health and wellbeing. This section provides definitions for those core components, why they matter and things to consider. For example, the last few years have […]

Delayed oxygenation of neonate during resuscitation when oxygen not ‘flicked’ on

Through its core work to review patients safety events recorded on national systems, such as the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS), the new Learn from Patient Safety Events service (LFPSE), and other sources, the National Patient Safety Team identified an issue relating to delayed oxygenation during neonatal resuscitation due to the medical gases switch on the infant […]

Unnecessary caesarean section for breech presentation if not scanned on the day

Through its core work to review patients safety events recorded on national systems, such as the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS), the new Learn from Patient Safety Events service (LFPSE), and other sources, the National Patient Safety Team identified an issue of women not receiving an ultrasound scan prior to an elective caesarean section for breech […]

Safe staffing improvement resources for specific settings

These improvement resources support and enable NHS providers to make safe and sustainable staffing decisions in specific care settings. They have been designed by service users and a multidisciplinary group of health professionals to be used by those involved in setting, approving and deploying the clinical establishment for NHS staff across a range of care […]

Safer staffing: nursing and midwifery

Evidence-based decision-making on safe and effective staffing is a requirement for all NHS organisations. The information and resources on these safer staffing pages will support and enable NHS providers to make these decisions, and ensure safe, sustainable and productive workforce planning and compliance with annual governance reporting on safe staffing. Contents Developing workforce safeguards National […]