Leading the change for oral health

The following initiatives are driving change in the provision of dental care:

Office of the Chief Dental Officer England

Jason Wong, Chief Dental Officer for EnglandJason Wong MBE is the Chief Dental Officer for England.

Awarded an MBE for services to dentistry and oral health, Jason has previously chaired local dental networks across parts of the Midlands and the East of England and was also secretary of Lincolnshire Local Dental committee for 16 years. His role as Chief Dental Officer now sees him working in collaboration with local and regional teams to deliver improved outcomes for patients, while also championing the role of dentists and dentistry within the health system.

The Office of the Chief Dental Officer England represents the head of the dental profession in England, providing system wide professional and clinical leadership, by setting the strategic vision for England’s oral health.


Professor Nick BarkerProfessor Nick Barker, Deputy Chief Dental Officer, England

Alongside his role as Deputy Chief Dental Officer for England, Nick is also Joint Regional Chief Dental Officer for East of England and Professor of Oral Health Sciences for University of Essex.

He also works as a General Dental Practitioner and is accredited as a Level 2 Endodontist and Periodontist.

Nick is a member of the Faculty of Dental Trainers at Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh and has a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education from University of Essex.



Rakhee PatelRakhee Patel, Deputy Chief Dental Officer, England

Rakhee is a clinical academic working as a Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant at King’s College London and Dental Clinical Lead for North Central London Integrated Care Board. She has worked across general dental services, community, hospital and academia, with a clinical focus on gerodontology and domiciliary care.

Previously, Rakhee worked as a Consultant in Dental Public Health at NHS England London Region alongside her role at King’s College London. In 2023, Rakhee was awarded a PhD in Health Services Research, having undertaken one of the first dental clinical trials for older adults living in care homes.