ROAN information sheet 20c: GP career support – newly qualified and first 5s
The first five years of practice after obtaining the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) is an exciting time but can also be full of challenges. The following support mechanisms are aimed at newly qualified GPs and those in their first five years of practice:
RCGP ‘First5’ scheme (RCGP members only) – supports GPs in the five years after qualifying – post MRCGP through to first revalidation. More information on RCGP’s full offering for First5s, including pre and post-CCT events, preparing your for life as a GP and ‘Life after GPVTS’.
Health Education England’s GP fellowships (post CCT) – supports both the acquisition of clinical maturity in general practice and extended development in specific clinical or professional areas, furthering both local workforce capability and the career aspirations of the GP Fellows.
NHS Leadership Academy – offers a range of tools, models, programmes and expertise to develop leaders, celebrating and sharing where outstanding leadership makes a real difference.
BMA personal and career development programmes (BMA members only) – offers personal guidance, FAQs and practical tools on the topics you face on a day-to-day basis as a GP, including career development and leadership courses. To learn more phone 0300 123 1233.
Next Generation GP – aimed at trainees and early career GPs with an interest in health policy and the wider NHS to empower a new generation of leaders in primary care, equipping them with the skills, confidence and networks to translate insight into impact.
The GP career support pack sets out the various types of support available to you throughout your career as a general practitioner in England. You can access the GP career support pack on the NHS England website.
This information sheet is relevant primarily to NHS England responsible officers.
Released October 2018.