Reduction of Stillbirth and Reduction Preterm Birth

A fundamental aim of the Maternity Transformation Programme and in turn, the South East Clinical Network, is to reduce the number of stillbirths.

In November 2015, the Secretary of State for Health announced an ambition to reduce the rate of stillbirths and neonatal and maternal deaths in England by 50% by 2030.

To help achieve this ambition, the NHS England Saving Babies’ Lives Stillbirth Care Bundle is designed to tackle stillbirth and early neonatal death. It brings together four elements of care that are recognised as evidence-based and/or best practice:

  1. Reducing smoking in pregnancy
  2. Risk assessment and surveillance for fetal growth restriction
  3. Raising awareness of reduced fetal movement
  4. Effective fetal monitoring during labour

Prior to the Saving Babies’ Lives Stillbirth Care Bundle being developed, the South East Clinical Network produced two papers ‘The Reduction of Stillbirth – Recommendations for the South East Region’ and ‘The Reduction of Preterm Birth – Recommendations for the South East Region’ to present recommendations for a reduction of stillbirth and the reduction preterm birth for the South East. They include an outline of the evidence base and current interventions both nationally and regionally in order to develop clear supporting evidence of the ‘case for change’.