Wessex Cancer Alliance
The Wessex Cancer Alliance has been established as the Wessex partnership to lead the development and delivery of strategic vision for Cancer services in Wessex. This will support Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships for Hampshire and Isle of Wight and Dorset; to implement the recommendations of NHS England’s independent Cancer Taskforce report “Achieving world class cancer outcomes”.
The National Cancer Taskforce Strategy
Cancer Alliances will be the key to effecting the transformational change needed to achieve world-class cancer outcomes for their populations, as set out in the Cancer Taskforce Strategy.
In alignment with the national strategy the Wessex Cancer Alliance has developed the Wessex Strategic Vision.
Wessex Cancer Alliance membership is drawn from across sectors, and from across Dorset and Hampshire and Isle of Wight geographical area.
The work of the Alliance is overseen by the Wessex Cancer Alliance board members.
Plans for 2018/19. text to roll below. Strategy and Wessex Strategic Vision for Cancer are as below:
- A work programme supporting smoking cessation/avoidance and reducing harm from alcohol
- Progress towards 62% of cancers diagnosed at stage 1 and 2
- Improving diagnostic pathways for lung, prostate, upper and lower gastrointestinal tumour sites
- Support delivery of the cancer waiting time standards
- Implement transformational funding programmes for early diagnosis and living with and beyond cancer
- Supporting implementation of radiotherapy services strategy
- To implement the recovery package across Wessex including stratified follow-up pathways for breast, prostate and colorectal cancer patients