Mental Health and Dementia
The Wessex Mental Health and Dementia Clinical Network supports innovation in service delivery and the implementation of the Five Year Forward View for mental health.
We work with local people who use services and organisations, including commissioners and providers, to understand the current system and opportunities for pathway, service and system transformation. Wider working with partner organisations including Health Education Wessex, the Collaboration for leadership in Applied Health Research (CLAHRC) and the Academic Health Science Network aims to deliver a whole system approach.
Deliverables 2018/19
- Develop regular horizon scanning to help inform the system of updates and new innovations in mental health
- Increase capability the system through supporting training in transformational business case development
- Develop ‘Visions of the Future’ event showcasing new ways of thinking to inform and engage the system on opportunities to improve care
- Partnership work Clinical Network and CLAHRC: deliver the Dementia Capacity Modelling Project
- Run information and best practice sharing forums
- Dementia Strategy Meetings: Partnership between Clinical Network and CLAHRC
- Facilitate EIP forums
- Facilitate IAPT forums in 2018/19
- Review recommendations for imaging in dementia, and assess current imaging practice in Wessex Memory Clinics to identify opportunities to improve the dementia diagnostic imaging pathway, and review diagnostic reporting standards through partnership working with CLAHRC
- Provide support to develop integrated approach to mental and physical health
- Facilitate the development of a framework for peer support in Wessex
- Support the development of a peer support network in HIoW