How we work

Clinical Network Forums

Our Clinical Network Forums bring people together across organisational, geographical and professional boundaries to learn and share from each other, to hear about innovative practice from other parts of the country and to address common challenges.  They include commissioners, clinicians, voluntary sector providers, local authorities and people with experience of using services and their families/carers.  Current Clinical Network Forums include:

  • Early Intervention in Psychosis
  • Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
  • Children and Young People Eating Disorders
  • Children and Young People Health and Justice Collaborative
  • Dementia

Commissioning Forums

We also hold regular Commissioning Forum for commissioners of children & young people’s mental health, adult mental health and dementia services to specifically explore commissioning issues, challenges and solutions.

Other elements of our support offer

  • Attendance at local STP meetings and transformation groups in order to provide place-based support and advice
  • Bespoke support to challenged systems, either individually or through Delivery Support Groups on identified standards
  • Response to queries and concerns expressed by local areas
  • Support in producing successful funding bids
  • Communication of changing guidance and key messages from the national team
  • Mapping of provision against standards
  • Initiation of task and finish groups or projects to support delivery


The South East Mental Health and Dementia Delivery Team works closely with partners such as NHS Improvement, Public Health England and Health Education England to ensure alignment and a co-ordinated support offer.


If you would like further information or are interested in getting involved, please contact: