Our Work
Core Functions
- Support NHS England and NHS Improvement to deliver evidence based, clinically led commissioning for oral health and dental care through joint development and leadership of commissioning priorities and plans which will integrate with local place based planning and commissioning systems
- Focus strategies and plans on the themes of the 5 Year Forward View including prevention and working towards reducing health inequality within the overall context of improving outcomes.
- Set up, where appropriate and work with, Managed Clinical Networks to deliver and review the service outcomes of the elements of the local strategies and plans at a system level
- Use a pathway approach to service design and delivery, as set out in the Guide to Commissioning the Dental Specialties, which promotes clinical effectiveness through using appropriate skill mix and integration.
- Promote and support the development and implementation of local quality assurance and improvement systems to drive improvement in outcomes, in line with local and national priorities.
- Provide clinical and professional leadership and facilitate wider clinical engagement across the Network, ensuring relationships with public and patients CCGs, PHE, LETBs, Local Authorities and the STP process
- Contribute to the national LDN Assemblies and Conferences
The meetings are held on a quarterly basis.