Cervical Screening

Cervical Screening Programme overview

Cervical Screening Programme overview

Provides a description of the NHS cervical screening programme, including evidence on screening for cancer and HPV for women aged 25-64.

Cervical Screening: Leaflet for women considering screening

Translated leaflets

This leaflet is sent to all women invited for NHS cervical screening. Translated leaflets are also available.

NHS Digital – Cervical Screening Programme – Coverage Statistics

Cervical Screening Programme – Coverage Statistics

Published quarterly, NHS Digital cervical screening coverage provides access to data at GP Practice, CCG and Local Authority level.

 Cervical Sample Taker Database Online

South West CSTD online

Access to the Southwest Cervical Sample Taker Database. (Please note that you need to be on an N3 connection to access this site).

For all technical support in accessing this site – user name/ password/ registering new sample takers /updating training records please contact cervicalsampletaker.scwcsu@nhs.net

 Cervical Sample Taker Newsletter 

Cancer Research UK

A central resource hub for health professionals:

For local support contact facilitators@cancer.org.uk

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust – information for health care professionals

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust provides information, best practice guidelines and relevant links for you and your patients on all aspects of cervical cancer and its prevention.

Health Education England-Online learning resources

e-lfh Access to online cervical sample taker update training and other related e-learning courses.

Additional Guidance

Clinical Practice Guidance for assessment of women aged 20 – 24 with abnormal vaginal bleeding

This guidance provides information on how to assess young women with abnormal vaginal bleeding, in a clinical or primary care setting.

NICE Guideline NG23 – Menopause diagnosis and management

This guideline covers the diagnosis and management of menopause, including in women who have premature ovarian insufficiency. The guideline aims to improve the consistency of support and information provided to women in menopause.

NHS England South West – Mental Capacity Act/Reasonable Adjustments/Learning Disability Guidance:

Women with a learning disability must be supported wherever possible to participate in the NHS Cervical Screening Programme.  Links to information to support this and best practice in making reasonable adjustments is available:

 For more information please contact the South West Screening and Immunisation Team: england.swvast@nhs.net

NHS South West Cervical Screening Primary Care Resource 2022

NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) South West have produced a primary care resource pack which provides healthcare professionals practical information in order to identify actions that will result in improved Cervical Screening coverage, particularly amongst those in underserved communities.

We hope that you find the resource useful and if you would like any further information then please contact the South West NHS England Screening & Immunisation team: england.swvast@nhs.net