
NHS England publishes statistics on a range of health and care subjects. Theses statistics are used to inform debate, decision making and research both within government and by the wider community.

Recent publications are announced below. For a list of the areas that these statistics cover please see Statistical Work Areas.

Health and care statistics are also published by the Department of Health and NHS Digital.

Diagnostic Imaging Dataset for May 2019

Today NHS England published the Diagnostic Imaging Dataset for the 12 month period up to May 2019. Data includes breakdowns of NHS imaging activity undertaken in England, as well estimates of GP usage of direct access to key diagnostic tests for cancer such as chest imaging and Brain MRI. Further information and the data is […]

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Diagnostic Imaging Dataset for April 2019

Today NHS England published the Diagnostic Imaging Dataset for the 12 month period up to April 2019. Data includes breakdowns of NHS imaging activity undertaken in England, as well estimates of GP usage of direct access to key diagnostic tests for cancer such as chest imaging and Brain MRI. Further information and the data is […]

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Diagnostic Imaging Dataset for March 2019

Today NHS England published the Diagnostic Imaging Dataset for the 12 month period up to March 2019. Data includes breakdowns of NHS imaging activity undertaken in England, as well estimates of GP usage of direct access to key diagnostic tests for cancer such as chest imaging and Brain MRI. Further information and the data is […]

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GP Patient Survey 2019

NHS England together with Ipsos MORI, have today published the latest Official Statistics from the GP Patient Survey. The survey provides information on patients’ overall experience of primary care services and their overall experience of accessing these services. Data are weighted by age and gender so that results resemble the eligible registered list population of each […]

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